House of Hakka Food Photography Food Styling, Cocktail Styling Menu Shoot

 In Marketing Services Saskatoon, Marketing Services Vancouver, Photography Saskatoon, Photography Vancouver, Social Media Marketing Saskatoon

LeClair Media Recently did a menu shoot with House of Hakka Saskatoon.  This included Food Photography, Food Styling, Cocktail Styling some portraits and lifestyle / action shots.

As mentioned in person, House of Hakka “firstly eats with their eyes”.  Of course implying the level of detail needed to incorporate all of the senses into the restaurant experience.  Of course this is also an excellent quote that represents the purpose for high quality product photos / menu photos or overall social media management content creation that is a focused on quality.  Too many times have I seen the basic cell phone shots, yes even from the foodie influencers.  What people should come to understand is the customer journey first begins before one even enters the restaurant.  They look upon several avenues online, whether it be top of mind from ongoing Instagram interactions, directly searched from Google, or a food ordering system such as Skip.  That being said, we really do firstly eat with our eyes!  We make the decision upon where to eat before we even get there!  Or with the popularity of online ordering these days, literally the decision to order based upon your visual representation of your product, brand and more specifically the menu.  Of course all of this being said, the food from this recent shoot not only tastes exceptional, but we did a great job capturing the menu.

See some highlights below:

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LeClair Media Marketing Agency Photography work with Saskatoon contacts Nustadia Recreation at Merlis Belsher PlaceLeClair Media food photography saskatoon, food photography vancouver, video production saskatoon, video production vancouver, cocktail styling